errmm...saya rasaaaaa.....if u think u can hold ur feeling to urself.. go...if u think u cannot take the reality and only will hurt you..better not...watever goes'll forget as the time passes...
klu pegi sbg tanda sokongan seorang kawan paa salahnya... tp klu pegi nanti menyebabkan kite terasa tak yah lah pegi....
hurm..thank you~
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3 ulasan:
errmm...saya rasaaaaa.....
if u think u can hold ur feeling to urself.. go...
if u think u cannot take the reality and only will hurt you..better not...
watever goes on...
you'll forget as the time passes...
klu pegi sbg tanda sokongan seorang kawan paa salahnya... tp klu pegi nanti menyebabkan kite terasa tak yah lah pegi....
hurm..thank you~
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