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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Jumaat, November 28, 2014

Update wedding : customised plate ! :)

Salam semua! :)
Tak sabar nya nk kawin! :) Hari ni g jenjalan kt mid valley. Eceh padahal mmg sengaja nk g mid valley untuk buat customised plate. Kebetulan ada keje kt IKU bangsar. So amik kesempatan buat plate tuh.
Nama kedai dia Galaxy Gift. Dia on 2nd floor, centre court, Mid valley. dia boleh masuk maximum 12 letters. Memula rs mcm tak cukup. Sebab SAIFUL & ADIBAH dah 13 letters. Nasib baik kawan diba, kak sam bg brilliant idea. Dia cakap napa tak buat nama panggilan? then diba ckp yela. Kalo nama panggilan tak sampai pun 12 letters. Yay!! memula nk buat ada symbol love. Pastu rasa better buat hashtag. teheeee
dia ada dua jenis plat, satu RM69.90 & RM79.90. yang diba amik ni RM69.90. Dia boleh tukar warna but then diba suka black n gold. Kalo tukar warna kena tambah RM10.00
ada website dia
huuuuu...tak sabarnyaaaa :P

Ahad, November 23, 2014

Thank you tag :)

Hi all its only 27 days down to our wedding. Maybe we should change the ticker to countdown our wedding. But we manage to handle the pressure. Haha. Or maybe not. I want to talk about our thank you tag. Designed by me. LOL. But been printed by my lovely friend, Zimie. I love her creativities and fresh ideas. You guys should check her out to this facebook fanpage. Artdirector Byzimie

Want to see my thank you tag?
Huuu for those who want to have my doorgift. LOL ada ke orang datang nk amik thank you tag je? You guys have to come to my wedding. Gituhhh
Thanks zimie for the printing and hole. and cutting and everything else la. Nasib baik thank you tag safely arrived ( walaupun dapat driver yang sengal men campak je kt rumah orang lain). SO skrg tgh gigih siapkan doorgift for one thousand people. OMG. baru siapkan like 200++ dh rasa letih..
Moga dipermudahkan segalanya....

Sabtu, November 22, 2014


In the next 50 years of my life, I would like to have been remembered by how passionate I am in dealing how I live, by whom I live with. Being loved by so many friends and foe. Having to control over much people in the organisation. Yet still have no fear in losing to loneliness and loss of hope. Being not forgetting the importance essence of life; being such a humble person at Almighty and not forgetting how life has been a great teacher so I can pass it down towards the future children. I want to cherish and been known as a person who knows where to explore and yet not afraid to become someone who is bigger than life. Always know where to have my loved one and being with them when they needed it the most.
Those were my writing in 5 minutes at one slot of the motivational days conducted by states to all Pahang's nutritionist. As much being cliché, many rather wrote in Malays but I tend to wrote in English. Not to show how fluent or poyo I am in having English to voice out my dreams, but I really can poured my feeling out better in English.
I do believe I am in somehow makes others intimidate with my appearances. People calls me names; snobbish, self centred, 'sombong'. You named it. Because they don't know me. I am actually always blur. Sometimes lost in space especially if in a boring topic. First it does stressed me out, trying my hard to change to become what others want. But through time, I gave up. I will never satisfied everyone. Never. So I rather being called names than being plastic.
I am a normal human being. As much as I want to be nice to people, people tend to remember those that bad thing you do. Always. So, being original is always the best. Leave the judgement to others. Its not like it is the end of the world. Even though, I really want to be "in" by the group of the workplace, I am just being me. I can't really have everyone to be at the same page as I am. People said I am being nice to kiss ass. But seriously, don't we all want others to treat us nicely? I know explaining things will never enough to those judgemental towards you. So I thought it is really ok being who you are even the world against you.
I might be new, unpredictable, raw and less experience than others. But I am not afraid, bold and smart enough to be better than others. Silent is gold. But doesn't mean I am weak. It just a matter of time to grow into someone important and magnificent.
I do change. I admit it. But into someone better. InshaAllah. I will show even by being nice, you keep friend close and enemy closer. Don't you ever gave up before it is even started. My life have been a complete mess when I couldn't finish my semester. But I managed to stand up with my own two feet. I don't think when we stumbled into a major bump or maybe a U-turn, we should think negative and die. But heads up be brave to endure the hardness and achieve what you think is right.

Love yourself enough but challenge yourself to become better everyday.

Never succumb to any pressure and trash talk people made towards you but hold up high so they will know they will never beat you down.

Have always your loved one close as only they the only reason for you to be great.

Cherish those who appreciated you and grateful that people which the same manner.

I love being original and always be humble.

Being hold back doesn't mean you are weak, sometime be a bigger person benefits us more in the future.


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