well it gonna be a hot issue i guess.sorry to say but i am not that fan of being involve to something that i am not pretty sure of.there are so many kind of people but i really cant tolerate with those shallow minded.why?they easily get annoy with things that not-so-big-issue. come on la.in so many thing,why la have to be so over conscious or more correct words being so head over heel about something that you don't really sure for yourself in the first place?
well thats all!hehe. (less is sweet.eceh!)
well thats all!hehe. (less is sweet.eceh!)
6 ulasan:
org yg shallow ni only pentingkan luaran je..very superficial.. T_T im sure dis person suke judge another person based on looks n luaran, yg dalaman xkisah..kan?? eh tp ye ke topic ni yg dikongsikan??hehehehe sukasuki jer kan i.. ;p
btw dba i got ur gift voucher..! tqvm...!! but yg voucher rm10 tpc tu untuk aper eh??? boleh claim aper ek?? o.O
hehe..right!more kepada luaran sahaja.
well..as for your kes dapat pakej C kan?sbb menang contest.so voucher tuh diba saja bagi in case kalo nk pkai sbb diba nnt ada je add on service.tp kalo nk pass kt sesapa pun boleh je:)
sometimes people just love become sidekicks.it's just their own way of making sure they have the limelight on them. i totally agree with you dik, why talk about something you're unsure of? or if you really are sure about it, then it's not your story to tell in the first place right?
ok baca post kau kat bawah tu macam pelik 9 days left, sebab kuar title dulu kan. ingat ko nak tunang 9 hari ke apa haha. pelik sebentar.haha. dont forget our date ok. havent seen you since i cant even remember.
ko pergi tak tunang yana 10hb ni?
Cetek takpe dbadebot tapi jangan dalam air yang cetek nak bersembunyi, ai boleh nampakkkkk haha, tp tulah kalau dalam kang lemas lak, haihh diluah mati rimau, ditelan mati rimau bintang
Haha panjang gler ko komen kak!malas aku nk layan wei kalo org mcm nie.seyes useless.bukan pasal ko pun.chillex sudeyh.
Eh breaking dawn kuor ble?aku weekend nie penuh.hahaa nk dtg shah alam.eh silap shah alam xder wyg kan?
Aku nk pergi tunang yana.hehe terharu i dijemput.agaga
hudot: oit!mentang2 harimau muda br menang.rimau jadi mangsa.cop!pe yg lemas nyer?xperlu la pikir pasal org2 mcm nie..buat penat jerrr
penat aku komen sampai 2 kali tapi tak keluar2. demimu dibot sanggup aku komen kali ke-3.
aku sebenarnya tak sure ape ko tulis ni so tanaklah masuk campur nanti org ckp aku ni shallow minded, low mentality, low dignity pulak. eh, low dignity? macam salah je. bukan patut no dignity ke?
ok, bai.
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