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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Khamis, Mac 17, 2011

copycat vs influenced??

morning to all my beloved friends:)

HAHA..apsal la tiba2 ckp pasal nie..sbb semalam ada baca status fb kawan dba :) dier rimas dgn orang yang jd copycat..:)

so peeps!!pe 2 copycats??

literally it means when someone who is so stunning with her/his personality [mcm korang2!!] is being copied entirely from head to toe and his/her personality...

well..nk bg pendapat kat status kawan takut offensive..HAHA..mayb sbb dba rasa kengkadang dba pun jd copycat gak:P  

memula,sori sangat pada kawan2 yang mmg cool tahap dewa kalo2 terasa dengan peniruan saya..

for me, it can be called influenced!terpengaruh dgn sekeliling..really!when i like sumthing, subtlely i will follow it without i've noticed it..seriously dengan rasa merendah dirinyer..saya mmg rasa bersalah..being someone that i am not..:(

as time flies by, I've grown up to become someone that I've wanted to be..currently maybe i am still being influenced by those popular peoples!

well,being confident never hurts okeyh!:) now I've learned my lesson and i hope being with great people as you guys as never made each and one of you felt being copycats by me..huuu~...

p/s: mungkin rasa bersalah kot,sbb 2 wt post nie..HAHA

8 ulasan:

nizabeba berkata...

dba, this is such a good entry..hihi..act niza pon pnah risau takot ape yg kt buat tu dilabel sbg i, sbnanye itu mmg pengaruh kan..bergantong pd org gak, kalo die rase kt copycat..sometimes org cool je bile kt ikot rentak dorng..hihi

hana yoriee berkata...

being influenced by others, tak salah dba.. =) it can be a good role model kadang2. kan?

sarahhernyzar berkata...

as'salam dba... for me.. ur fren patut kembang idong kembang bontot sb ada org ikot dia.. means dia sbg contoh dan jadi role model pada mereka yang meniru... it's not meniru.. itu cuma rasa best nk cuba.. hahahaha.. semua org pn begitu.. ada kita kesah ? nan ado.. gud entry babe.. tabik spring... toink toink toink...

lovelyadibah berkata...

niza: mmg!tgk org la kan..kalo mcm dba,dba seriously OK with this people:)but jgn amik identiti dba dh la..HAHA

rimas tp kita kan leh ckp bebaik?kan?HAHA..emosi plaks:P

hana: 2 la~ :)hopefully!!hana pun penah dicopy cat kan?haih..

lovelyadibah berkata...

sara: 2 la..HAHA..xtaula..xnk salahkan sapa2:) lain padang,lain belalangnyer:)

i guess dier slh fhm people look up towards her la kot..:)

thanks sayang!!

Shakina Farhan berkata...

sooo kina pun kina xkisah kl orang nak tiru ke ape sbb kdg2 org tu pun xtau tu sbnrnye idea orang lain..maybe die igt die pioneer to that idea..betul..patut rse berbangga sbb ad org tiru..haha..

lovelyadibah berkata...

kina: exactly!HAHA..

~ mizzAmy ~ berkata...

copy cat ni kalau betul2 tiru sebijik2. if dia dah olah sendiri with her own idea. means that, it's an inspiration. tak salah rasanya kalau macam tuh. betul tak?


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